Urban Living forum at Techtextil/Texprocess 2019

  2019 May
On an area of more than 500 m2 in the foyer of Hall 4.2 selected examples showed how textile innovations can already improve the way people live together in urban surroundings today. Selected innovations from the fields of architecture & construction, mobility, medicine and clothing were shown in a disruptive architectonic landscape. The inspiring exhibition area was accompanied by a Material Gallery showing best-practice solutions from exhibitors, the presentation area of the Techtextil student competition, Textile Structures for New Building as well as an accompanying complementary programme. Curated by the Stijlinstituut Amsterdam and structurally implemented by Dutch architect firm Refunc. Part of the exhibition was the Post Adidas rug by Simone. The exhibition took place from 14 - 17 May 2019 in Frankfurt am Main, Frankfurt.

Photography:Ishka Michocka for Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH