(NO) MORE WASTE, Gdynia Design Days 2019
2019 July
Gdynia Design days is an annual festival which highlights the latest trends and good practice in the world of design.
About the exhibition (NO) MORE WASTE
Trash has become a hot topic. It attracts both designers and industry. This is a real change. Waste which used to be an unwanted side effect of production and consumption, has become a precious resource and a symbol of social responsibility. The exhibition presents pairs of objects made out of the same material and for the same purpose. One of them is crafted in a design studio as an experiment, suggestion or to show new perspectives. Another one was created in a well-equipped laboratory, financed by industry willing to take responsibility for its past and present activity. We compare accomplishments and possibilities of both fields to see the value of textile, paper, plastic, glass or rubber in our trash bins and to understand how much we have to lose.
Part of the (NO) MORE WASTE exhibition was the Post Adidas rug by Simone.
The exhibition took place from 6 - 14 July 2019 in Gdynia, Poland

Photography: Arkadiusz Szwed
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