Materials' Future Life by Material Sense, Tallinn
2019 September
About the exhibition Materials' Future Life
Our future will no longer revolve around single-life products. What happens to materials as the original product reaches the end of its useful life? How do we treat raw materials that are perfectly usable but do not meet the consumer’s aesthetic quality standards? And how to deal with today’s manufacturing processes where some raw materials cannot be used and significant waste is created?
We are delighted to present work of our network of entrepreneurs that has drawn inspiration from this challenging theme, coming up with new solutions and products that set new aesthetic standards.
The exhibition has been put together by Simone de Waart of Material Sense.
It presents a selection of materials research and final products that illustrate the perspectives of designers, artists, craftsmen, scientists and industry. Even more importantly, they exemplify collaboration between those parties to create new insights and pave the way for new business models.
Exhibited work of: Alei Verspoor (Pack), Daria Biryukova (Forzglaze), Desso-Tarkett, Danielle Ooms, Envisions, Eva Kablova (Kave shoes), Heleen Klopper (Made to Mend), Michelle Baggerman, Tjeerd Veenhoven, OvertredersW & Bureau SLA, Sowoon Chae, Simone Post (Vlisco).
On show at Tallinn Design Festival Disainiöö, Estonia
Noblessner Venue
from 16 – 22 September 2019

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