Design Prize Noord-Brabant 2019
2019 October
On 20th October The Prins Bernhard Cultuurfund awarded Simone Post the Noord-Brabant Design Prize in the presence of friends, family, fellow designers and of course the jury.
The Design Prize is awarded every two years to a designer who has arrived - 2017 Piet Hein Eek - and to an upcoming talent. The prize consists of a change trophy: a sword designed by Ted Noten. Simone Post also received a medal with colorful gems cast in the shape of a circle. This design is inspired by the way Post works; from the circular economy. An amount of 10,000 euros is also attached to the Design Prize.
Jury: “Recycling is nothing new, but the large-scale way in which Post approaches this and the technology is unique.”
Simone feels flattered by the beautiful words who have been said and the strong support and trust by the Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds.
Especially for this occasion Stijn van Loo made a video portrait about Simone as a designer.

Photography: Angeline Swinkels
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